Today I will tell you how you will install Google Web Stories Plugin on your WordPress website and computerize all the settings together. The plugin I am going to tell you today has been launched by Google itself, from where you can submit your website to Google Discover as well as get a lot of organic traffic.
Google Web Stories is a one-shot video and short introduction platform where you can make many short videos and articles of your website accessible to the people in short so that they know about your article and you can read the article completely. be redirected to the website.
If you use Google Web Stories passion, then you will get a lot of organic traffic from Google, from which you can earn very well, and at the same time, you can build the authority of your website.
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Web Story Google WordPress Plugin Install
To install the Google Web Stories Plugin, first, you have to go to the dashboard of your WordPress website and then go to the section of the plugin and click on the Add New button. From where you will be able to install a new plugin in your WordPress website.
After opening which section of the plugin, a search box will appear in front of you, where you can search by entering the name of the plugin. So here you can search by writing Google Web Stories. After this, many plugins will appear in front of you.
After this, you have to install the Web Stories plugin coming first in the list, which has been officially launched by Google itself. Through this plucking, you can easily color your website’s web stories in Google Discover. After installing the Web Stories application, you have to activate it.
After this, a section named Stories will be added to the menu bar of your WordPress website. As soon as you click on it, Google’s Web Stories plugin will open in front of you.
Web Story Google WordPress Plugin Settings
After opening the Web Story plugin, you will see something like this on the home where you will see all the stories after creating your web Story. You have to click on the setting button given below to set the web stories.
After doing this, some kind of interface will open in front of you, here first of all you have to connect
Google Analytics to track all your users. If you use Google’s Site Kit plugin in your website, it will
automatically connect to your Google Site Kit plugin and you will not need to connect analytics again. After this, you have to give a person of your website which will be visible to your user.
After this, you have to tick mark all these settings of the plugin so that there is no problem in your web stories and web story plugin later. And all your stories should go viral very soon.
After this, you have to select the section or URL of web stories on your website. By default, the Google Web Stories plugin creates the URL of web stories automatically, but if you want to create the URL of
your favorite URL to the Web Stories, then you can do that too.
Web Story Google WordPress Adsense Settings
After this, if you have the approval of Google Adsense, then you can earn money by showing advertisements in your Web Stories, for which you have to go to the section of Monetization and
select Google Adsense and then save by giving your publisher ID and slot ID. If you do not know this, then you can select from the options given below.
If you do not know your Google Adsense Publisher ID and Slot ID. So first you have to go to your Google Adsense and then create an ad. After creating the ad, you will be shown some kind of code that you have to copy. In this, you have been clearly shown Publisher ID and Slot ID. You have to copy both of these.
Then after this, open the Web Stories plugin and put the copied in the slot of Publisher ID and Slot ID. After doing this, the Google Web Stories plugin will be successfully installed on your website and now you can get organic traffic from Google by creating many stories.