Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

Gears of War: EP#1 Walkthrough Vulnhub CTF | Gears of War: EP#1 Vulnhub Writeup

So Hi Guys again Welcome you to my blog and today we solve Vulnhub another CTF Gears of War EP#1 this VM is made by eDu809 and hosted on Vulnhub Server you can download here


Its a CTF machine that deals with the history of gears of war, where we must try to escape from prison and obtain root privileges. it has some rabbit holes, so you have to try to connect the tracks to get access.

Network Scanning

Our first step is to find the IP address of the target machine

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

Now the next step is to check for the open ports and running services using this command

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub


Every time I open the target machine, Ip, address our browser and this page we see a gaming image and Join the war! button on the header but the target 80 port does not find andy useful stuff

it is very clear that it is target port 80 is not vulnerable I move on our next step smb enumeration so I decided to use Smblient tool -L parameter to we see all directory list

SMB enumeration time I found a directory and here we see anonymous user Log in successful

We find a notes.txt file and file. Let’s Download these files on our local machine using get command

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

I ran the unzip command here we see this file password protected

I reading the next file contents SOS.txt and this file gave us a hint about the characters of the password for the ZIP file. try to get the password [@%%,]

It’s time to generating new wordlist file using hint characters

our crunch file is generated successfully I decide used fcrackzip Tool to crack the password for the ZIP file

I found a possible password zip file After unzip I found a key.txt file inside the file

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

After reading the key.txt file, I got another credential 3_d4y show I try to Bruteforce username using hydra tool

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

After 5 minutes later our attack is successful we found an ssh username and password I log in with ssh this credentials

  • username: marcus
  • password: 3_d4y

Privilege Escalation

I try enumerating the system directory and file but couldn’t find any useful stuff

so I checking the SUID bit for all the files/directory and we found a /bin/cp binary file

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

Generating new password our new user Rahul

I copy the passwd file /tmp directory but I fail to edit this file because of this user haven’t permission

again I copy the passwd file smbserver directory and download the file locally system

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub

After edit and adding our new user this passwd file I start our local python server port 99

Moving on /home/marcus directory and download the file wget command

our file is downloaded successfully and I copy the file /etc/ directory and we see the last 2 lines of passwd file our user Rahul is successful add

After adding our user passwd file I change our Marcus to new user rahul and we see an error so I copy our user rahul password clipboard and paste the password field

We have successful to login Rahul user as a root user

I move on reading our last root flag target root home directory

Gears of War: EP#1 walkthrough vulnhub
EVM 1 Vulnhub Walkthrough link