Basic Linux commands

Basic Linux commands | Basic Linux commands list | Linux basic Command

Basic Linux commands Overview

What is the command:~

The command is a directive to a computer program to perform a specific task. It may be issued via a command-line interface, In this articles, we learn most uses Linux command For Beginners.

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Let’s Starting with our most useful Basic Linux commands

1. ls

ls command is working listing the directory contents ls command shows how many files and directories are in your current working directory

Important Command Linux
2. pwd

PWD command shows our current working directory

Important Command Linux
3. cd

the cd command is work changing our current directory to another directory I change our current to Download Directory Type simple Command cd and ( our directory name )

Basic Linux commands Mkdir

4. mkdir

mkdir: create a new directory

5. rm

rm command work removing deleting files and directory type simple rm and our target filename

Important Command Linux

Basic Linux commands CP

6. cp

cp copy file and directory Source to Destination I copy passwd file with cp command our Desktop directory

our source is /etc/passwd and destination is /root/Desktop

Important Command Linux
7. touch

touch command creating a file

8. mv

mv move/cut file and directory or rename a file and directory Source to Destination

our source is file.txt destination is hacknos.txt I rename the file file.txt to hacknos.txt

Important Command Linux

moving our file Desktop to /root/directory

and ls command to see our file is moved

see the file our root/Directory

Important Command Linux
9. locate

locate locating and finding system file and directory I locate an ssh config file sshd_config

10. cat

cat command to see any file text I show the sshd_config file text

Important Command Linux
11. man

man Display the manual file and software I am displaying the cp command user manual

Important Command Linux
12. chown

chown changing ownership file and directory, chown changes the user and/or group ownership of each given file

we see the ownership the file is root and root now I changing ownership to another user Rahul

After changing permission

Important Command Linux
13. chmod

The chmod command changing file and directory permission read, write, executable Two type change file permission numeric and symbolic

Changing Permission Numeric
Important Command Linux
Changing Permission Symbolic

Adding permission read-write executable file

Important Command Linux
14. nano

nano is a Command-Line Linux editor nano used to create a file and edit file add any text

I Creating a file hacknos.txt and input some line, for example, see in image file

Important Command Linux
15. top

The top command shows the system currently running task The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system.

It can display system summary information as well as a list of processes or threads currently being managed by the Linux kernel.

Related: Basic Linux commands

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