Today I am going to tell you how you can Enable Download Button In Webview Android App and how to activate all the download buttons available on your android application.
If you do not know how to create an Android application or you want to convert your website into an Android application, then you can read our complete Android application course, the link of which we will give you by dividing it into the above parts. You will not face any problems in this whole process.
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- Convert a Website to Android App – Part 2.
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- How to Generate APK for Google Play Console in Android Studio – Part 5.
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Enable Download Button In Webview Android App.
If you have read the first few articles of our course then you must have reached the process where we have created an android application which is set above our website.
We had converted our entire website into the android application and today how do we add a download button in that application and how will you activate them with all the download buttons on your website, today I will tell you. I’m gonna
Add Downloading Code In Android Application source Code.
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if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>= Build.VERSION_CODES.M){ if(checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED){ Log.d("permission","permission denied to WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - requesting it"); String[] permissions = {Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}; requestPermissions(permissions,1); } } //handle downloading webview.setDownloadListener(new DownloadListener() { @Override public void onDownloadStart(String url, String userAgent, String contentDisposition, String mimeType, long contentLength) { DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(Uri.parse(url)); request.setMimeType(mimeType); String cookies = CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(url); request.addRequestHeader("cookie",cookies); request.addRequestHeader("User-Agent",userAgent); request.setDescription("Downloading file...."); request.setTitle(URLUtil.guessFileName(url,contentDisposition,mimeType)); request.allowScanningByMediaScanner(); request.setNotificationVisibility(DownloadManager.Request.VISIBILITY_VISIBLE_NOTIFY_COMPLETED); request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS,URLUtil.guessFileName(url, contentDisposition, mimeType)); DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) getSystemService(DOWNLOAD_SERVICE); dm.enqueue(request); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Downloading File",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); |
First of all, we have to add some code in the source code of the created Android application, due to which we can install the download button in our Android application.
For this, you have to copy the above code, through this code you will be able to install the download button in your Android application.
After copying the code, first of all, you have to come to Android Studio where you have opened all the source code files of your android application. After this, you have to open the file and where you had added the swipe function at last time.
Press the enter button on the closing tag of that functionality and paste this code as shown in the picture.
After successfully passing the code, you will see an interface like this where you will see a lot of errors in the code you have pasted which are highlighted in red color. You have to solve all these errors.
You should keep one thing in mind that whenever you are reading this post, do you know what kind of new errors you will see at that time, then you will get all those errors which I am going to tell you in the process, along with that process all in an easy way. The error has to be resolved.
To solve the error coming in the code, first, you have to right-click on the error and then a menubar will open in front of you where you have to click on the first option to show contact actions. So that all the solutions related to this error will be visible to you.
After clicking on the show context action button, another I will open in front of you where you will see the option of import class, you have to click on it.
As soon as you click on the import class button, then your problem will be solved automatically and all the errors that are coming in your code related to this error will be solved by writing it automatically.
In this way, you have to solve all the errors that come inside the code. All you have to do is to right on all those codes which are highlighted in red color and then after right-clicking, you will be told whatever the error-related solution will be and you will be able to solve it easily.
Give Storage Permission In Android Application
1 |
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> |
After completing all this process and after resolving all the errors, now you have to copy the above code so that you can give permission to your android application to install it on any android device than the storage of that device. Anyone can use and access all the photos and videos available on the device.
After copying the code, now you have to come back to your Android Studio and open the AndroidMainfest.xml file. After opening the file where you gave internet permission to your application the last time, that code Below you have to paste the copied code.
After pasting the code, now any person will install this application on your phone, then your Android application will get automatic permission to access the user’s storage.
After this, after pasting all the code, now you have to open your application to see whether it is working properly or not, which you can use the above functions
in Android Studio where you select the device, You can open the device in which you want to open your application and you can open the Android application by clicking on the play button given on the side.
After the Android application is opened, when you are testing it, you will be asked for permission for some such method. This is the same permission that you had added last time, due to which your application is asking for permission to use the phone’s storage, so here you have to put a bonfire.
This permission will be asked from you only while testing the application, when a real user will install and open your application, then he will not be asked for permission in this way, he will allow all these permissions automatically.
Now you have to go to this location from where you want to download the file and where you have placed the download button, you have to click on the download button and after a few seconds your file will start downloading.
You can see that my file has been downloaded automatically after clicking on the download button and in the notification bar I am getting notification of download completion.
In this way you can download your android application You can put the download button in the session and all the download buttons already installed can activate the score.
Time of FAQs
If you convert any of your websites to an android app then it is called web view. In this whole process, you create an Android application that provides all the content of your website to an Android user on his device. Due to this, the traffic of your website increases, and the users visiting your website also get a very good experience. You can convert your website to webview in two ways, first, you create an application yourself that can redirect to your website or you can make an android application for your website through an online website or people.
If you have a website and you have made an Android application for your website, in which all the articles or pages of your website are visible and there is a download button on them, then you can easily enable it for which you have to use your Android application. You have to go to the source code of the app and by using some code you can enable the download button or you can get this work done by hiring an android developer.