Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough

Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1 Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

In this article, we are going to solve a very interesting challenge Geisha. this VM is created by SunCSR Team This is a beginner to Intermediate level machine. you can download this from


Get the root shell i.e.(root@localhost:~#) and then obtain flag under /root).

Network Scanning

First, Step is scanning our local network and find our target IP address use the nmap ping scan.

Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1  Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

Next step is to find the open ports and services running in the system using nmap Aggressive scan.

Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1  Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

After complete the nmap scan we see target machine many ports are open 21FTP, 80 HTTP 8088 HTTP Lite Speed httpd service running


For Enumeration, we will navigate to a web browser for exploring HTTP service port 80 and here we see a image file.

After enumeration port 80 and other ports, we didn’t find much useful. we choose password brute-forcing the port 22 SSH as username geisha using the ncrack network authentication password cracking tool.

Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1  Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

After 10-15 minute later we discovered geisha user credentials our brute-force technique is work now we have geisha user ssh password letmein.

Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1  Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

After login with ssh for enumeration we checked for SUID binaries using the command and parameter

  • find => find command
  • / => directory
  • -type => only see files ( f )
  • -perm = -u=s ( user SUID files )
  • 2>/dev/null => standard error output
Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1  Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

Privilege Escalation

and we found an interesting binary file base32 using the base32 command we cab read every file target machine for privilege escalation first we create a variable root_key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa and set the path root user ssh private key then run the base32 decoding command

Geisha Vulnhub Walkthrough | Geisha: 1  Walkthrough Vulnhub | Geisha vulnhub Writeup

and we see the private key root user we move the our localhost system and create a file key /tmp/key directory and changing permission 600 mean only user read and write the file

After change the permission we login with root user -i to specify the key location

now we have root shell target machine we run ls command and we found our root flag /root directory.

Katana Vulnhub Walkthrough link